the weekly weigh-in.

so it's weekly weigh-in thursday. not so good this week.

week 4: 99
week 3: 98
week 2: 101
week 1: 100 (baseline)

(refer to previous posts: week 3, 2, 1).

could have a bunch of excuses, but i'll just say, it's time to step it up. :) i'm not seeing any difference after three weeks of wii-ercize.

i did reach pro boxing status today. woo. i figured out a new move too. i should probably double up my wii boxing time from 20 minutes or so to 40. although after a couple of games the wii usually encourages you to take a break. hahaha.

this weekend i played the rayman raving rabbits game & it's fucking awesome. it might be the best one i've played yet. wario ware is growing on me, but the multi-player mode isn't all that to me. maybe once we can get another wand and do 2+ players it'll get more fun. me & nathan tried out the rampage game that nathan's sister got him. that game was pretty fun. it'll probably be good on multi-player as well.

i gotta get ready for work, promise to update more later on.

- nic.

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