the weekly weigh-in.

week 3. not much time to write (i'm trying to get out of my apartment by 8--i'm drivin' down to santa maria), so here's the results:

week 3: 98
week 2: 101
week 1: 100* (baseline, *not actual weight, obviously.)
(refer to previous posts: week 2, week 1.)

not bad, a loss of 3 lbs this week. sweet. i'm still chuggin' away at the wii play. got the new wario ware: smooth moves game. i finally beat the game and unlocked the mult-player mode yesterday (it took about 3 different occasions to finally pull it off). i'm off to visit my sister in santa maria for a day & a half, so i'm loading my mii on the wand and i'm gonna bring wario w/ me so we can test out the multi-player mode. the game itself isnt exactly what i thought (i thought i'd be jumping around more like boxing), but it's pretty fuckin' cool. the graphics are a really cool combo of black & white film noir-esque drawings & hella cute japanese anime.
valentines day was good. i took the day off and hung out with nate on his break from work. then i cooked us a nice dinner. it was a cute lil' valentines day, satisfying. we also made cookies. check it out:

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