fair trade woman.

this is kinda neat: http://www.myspace.com/fairtradewoman.

shes a worker w/ the oxfam, make trade fair compaign and is raising awareness around fair trade policies, poverty, etc.

speaking of that, a post is due by me on the Farm Bill reform action that is happening. i promise to post something in the next day or two. (it's been a long day today.)

and also speaking of that, there is a one campaign training happening in san francisco at ucsf on saturday. i'm crossing my fingers that i end up going (i did register), but if you are interested check it out & sign up.

other than that, i'm supporting another bill wilson event/fundraiser (in collaboration with CATT), which is a fashion show fundraiser. check out the myspace profile for more info, and add it! the youth are workin' hella hard to make this successful and it's totally going to rule. be there & support the cause. talk to me if you are interested in buyin' tickets to the event, its on MARCH 9 @ the City Hall Rotunda!

time for my daily Wii exercise.

lots of love,
miss nicole.

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