what happened to wallace?

So this season of Veronica Mars has been good, but definitely different. In an attempt to get more viewers, the creator (and ultimately the network) decided instead of doing one season long mystery/case, with additional weekly cases for V-Mars, they would just do a couple of bigger mysterys, and then basically do weekly cases. It's worked so far, and the show is always good. (Thank goodness for STRONG writing & likeable characters).

But... what the fuck happened to Wallace? V-Mars sidekick and grounding character to hers (ala Xander via Buffy). Are they pulling a Family Matters, Torkelsons, and getting rid of a character? (I realize he's not a sibling, but he feels like one.) I know I probably missed the one-line when Wallace was off studying abroad, or was accepted into a special program, etc. etc. (I vaguely remember something along those lines.) Although, until I see his baby-fro & hear his sacastic-yet-grounding comments, I will be skeptical that my loveable Wallace is no more.

Screuuuuuuw you Veronica Mars.... scruuuuuuuuuuuuw you.


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