finding it hard to be out with the old...

To convert or not to convert, that is my dilemma. No, I'm not talking about religion. I'm talking about converting my perfectly simple blog layout that I worked hard to edit and get just the way I want it (basically searching online for simple templates and altering the code to my liking). Blogger is starting to offer some cool features that link up with Google's cool features, and I'm slowly being enticed by them. The google reader shared blog links is what's really got me drooling now. In order to use the feature I have to upgrade to their layouts version of blogger, which means having them upgrade my current layout that I like, and loosing much of my saved data. I suppose I could upgrade and always save the code from my current blog in case I want to revert back. Although, what if I do that and come to find out it's not reversible? Despite blogger noting that I could revert back to my old template if I "need to". I'm still skeptical.

Advice? To switch or not to switch....... Maybe I can convert an older, not-in-use blog & see how I like it.

Sound like a plan?

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