a fruity surprise!

i had a very nice surprise from a very nice boy (nathan--duh) waiting for me at work last night.

a cute duck-fruit arrangement from edible arrangements! there was also a box with chocolate-dipped strawberries (dark & white chocolate!). yummy!

i was so excited and happy because i've never gotten anything sent to me at work, like flowers, etc. this was my first romantic bouquet delivery at work! and best of all... it was a "just because", not an obligated "i'm sorry" or "it's valentines day" or "happy birthday", it was a "something to make you happy" reason.

i'm gushing like the girly-girl i am. oh well. i'm allowed.

isn't the ducky cute? there are daises made of pineapple & cantaloupe melon, and pineapple shaped stars.
soooo awesome!

well, that's all for now.

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