perverted minds.

so i have this photo posted on my flickr account:

and i have it labeled "masturbation."

and normally my pictures have a cross between 0 to 10/15 views.

but this one... has 57 views! 57 people.

and i didnt even explain why it's called that. the story goes that me & my family used to stay at this condo in palm springs when we would visit my grandparents. the condo was decorated with the cheeziest shit imaginable, including a bunch of sammy hagar shit, 90210 earrings, and the hanging picture of the girl to the left.

basically me & my sister thought it looked like the chick was masturbating to the ocean. this picture totally rules & i think it's hilarious. i also think it's hilarious that people will view an image 57 times just for the title of masturbation (which isn't event tagged with the word masturbation).

and there's also a picture of my friend berenice that shows off her legs w/ fishnets and that one was viewed 125 times... just because when you first look at it (the smaller version), it looks like you can see under her skirt, but really it's a napkin on her lap.

damn perverts. =D

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1 Responses to “perverted minds.”

  1. # Blogger psylentjay

    what would be funnier if those 57 views were by one person. Not that I would know or anything...  

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