an hour of wii boxing = an in shape me?

that's the plan at least. i want to lose weight. i want to get more in shape. i feel blobby. so my plan as of yesterday is to start by playing that wii at least an hour a day. tyler inspired me because he told me that some guy dropped 2 pants sizes playing the wii an hour a day (so he reports on his website). so what the hell. i will give it a shot.

i've been playing a couple of games of boxing, some tennis and some wii fitness practice games. the boxing definitely gets the heart rate goin' and it works my arms (which really need to be worked). i've also been riding my exercise bike and doing some yoga/weight lifts.

i will gradually build up my exercise routine when it needs to be more challenging. for instance--i may play 5-6 games in the next day or two, instead of the three i played this morning. i also might try to venture outside, maybe play actual tennis, basketball or go hiking/jogging once in awhile.

without giving away my actual weight (because that would just be too damaging to my self-esteem) lets just say my baseline starting weight is 100 lbs. (obviously untrue--but it's an easy number to measure gain/loss.)

i will weigh myself one a week, because otherwise you just get obsessed and complain... why isn't anything happening!!!!! damnit! since i weighed myself yesterday, i will keep it to every thursday. that way i dont have to feel bad about vegging out on the weekend and feelin' blobby come monday (cuz damn that super bowl sunday weekend!).

thursday baseline (week 1) = 100 lbs.

we'll see how this goes. i'm also going to try and work on little things about my eating patterns (though i think i've been doin' alright, not eating out as much, hardly drinkin', etc).

mood: awake
music: jimmy eat world- clarity.

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