an update of sorts.

headaches are horrible. horrible. i've been getting really bad headaches over the last three days that pretty much equates to me not being able to do anything except hold my head and rub my temples in extreme pain. i take advil & drink lots of water and it will only go away for an hour or two.

any way... so basically haven't been up to too much the last few days. i've seen a bunch of movies: pan's labrynth (amazing!!! really really good fantasy story), music & lyrics (pretty cute--and loads better than any of the romantic comedies i've seen recently), and volver (also really good. strong female characters, but not a chick-flick--don't get the two confused. men should really go & see movies like this).

obviously i lost on my super bowl bets, so that was totally lame. now i just gotta hope that the sharks win the stanley cup, & i'll win my 50 bucks.

so i've been keeping up with the wii playing. the last couple of days i haven't played as much because of my brain tumor, better known as mind-numbing headaches. i'm completely obsessed with the boxing training games, my arms are so sore.

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