the weekly weigh-in

today's thursday, which means... weight check time. not much difference after a week longs wii-workout.

week 2: 101
week 1: 100 (baseline)
(remember i'm not putting my ACTUAL weight, maybe once i lose some, but for now, baseline weight is at a 100 lb lie).

so i gained 1 lb, which hopefully means that i'm building muscle and loosing fat. my arms have been sore all week from boxing, so that's a good thing. i'm gonna try to go jogging twice a week (once the rain lets up).

i also signed up for the self magazine challenge (online). i signed up last year too but didnt do much with it. because they have some good low-cal/low-fat recipes i'm gonna check out, and they send you little work-out routines, etc. we'll see how i do with that.

i bought the new wii game: wario ware: smooth moves & so far i'm a little disappointed because i thought i would be moving around more than i am. though i've only used single-player mode & i'm assuming the 2+ player mode will be a little more active, plus i'm still in the process of unlocking a lot of the games. it's pretty cool japanese anime style graphics though. the look of the game is definitely cool.

ok. time for work.

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