
i'm tired, drained, feeling beat-up and phased out. words & phrases of the weekend: emotionally drained, territorial, arrogance and new job. long fucking weekend. i'll spare you on the details. gettin' out the bad emotions is more for my own diary-esque reasons.

lots happening. festival & con' city. noise pop. wondercon. cinequest. i attended 2 noise pop shows this weekend (as well as snow patrol on thursday)... so basically spent my weekend nights (thurs-sat) up in san francisco. friday's ted leo show was disappointing. i love ted leo, but this was the worst time of all the 10 or so times i've seen him. he played 8 new songs & the album isn't even out yet. he ended his set with a chumbawamba song, and it wasn't even tub-thumping (or whatever the fuck their hit was called). it just seemed kinda lame. opening bands sucked too.

then last night, i went to the ponys show @ bottom of the hill which can be described with two words: fucking boring. all the bands were fucking boring or cookie cutter, and the ponys whose album "laced with romance" has this awesome raw rock'n'roll sound ala phil spector, totally blew. they also played a bunch of new songs (again, album not out yet), and the songs werent even good. at least ted leo's new songs were good. the ponys flew all the way out from chicago for this show & clearly didnt even want to be there. the entire crowd was so bored that they didnt even cheer for an encore, they just left to go outside and smoke. i miss their old singer/songwriter. last time i saw them a couple years ago, they were way better.

the one highlight of both nights: getting to hang out with old friends & talk shit. plus i had some really great chinese food on saturday, and on friday jocelyn gave me this cheesecake on a stick pastry that was amazing.

wondercon... nothing to report. i didnt go this year. nothing in the lineup really inspired me to go. i think i'll just wait for alternative press expo & maybe, just MAYBE i'll head back down to comic con this year after a 3-year hiatus. we'll see.

cinequest... haven't gone to anything yet, but assuming that i have time between work stuff, i plan on checking some stuff out with laura. tho, most of it will probably be on saturday or sunday so i can de-stress and just fuck off.

i kinda want to hibernate for a week. a sign of depression? no. more of mental-health necessity. or maybe just annoyance.

other thoughts on the weekend...

fuck ann coulter.

no... the chinese new year's parade is not at fisherman's wharf. ha.

what's with the standing ovation for isaiah washington at the naacp awards? i guess repeatedly using gay slurs is still considered civil? hmmm.

kscu got a makeover. it was my first time down there in over a year, and the library looks awesome! (nice job eid & olga!)

this isn't exactly from this weekend, but still worth mentioning... kenneth eng, "asianweek" columnist, is fired because... well, because he wrote some crazy racist shit.

and, i bought tickets for the arcade fire show & the shins show--two of my favorite bands.

ok. i've got stuff to do now. later.

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