turn on the bright neon lights.

i'm streaming the new arcade fire record, neon bible on the nme website. you can stream it here, you just have to register for the nme website. i'm through track 8 (of 11).. so far it's okay. havent had enough time to really review it, but first impression is that it wont top the last one.

in other arcade fire news, win butler's been running his mouth off. to some extent he has a point about the U.K. music scene (not to mention it's uber incestual). but about the marketing... while it does annoy me to a point, it's still a business.

and speaking of new music, after a couple of listens, i'm really diggin' the new bloc party.

alright, i best be getting to work. more later...

peace, love & understanding!


mood: blah (i feel like i'm coming down w/ somethin')
music: arcade fire- neon bible

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