you're the only ONE for me...

the weather outside is NASTY. it's bonkers! pourin' down rain, thunder, lightning, how the fuck do you spell lightning? is that right? or it lightining? that looks wrong too... well whatever.

i wish there were more hours in the day. by the time i get off work i feel like i dont have much time to do anything. do i have too many hobbies? is the wii taking my time away from the internet, and is the internet taking my time away from the tv, and is the tv taking my time away from my dvds, and are my dvds taking away my time from my fashion designing/sewing projects, and is that really even going to happen?


what i came here to say is that i went to the One Campaign training up in San Francisco on Saturday and it was awesome. (have you noticed i choose correct capitalization at random times? again, tangent). so the one campaign. another psuedo-celebrity charity campaign? i had my suspicions, but i walked away from the training feeling empowered that all my advocacy through One was not for naught. it was cool too that we had breakout sessions by region so we were able to network with other folks from the south bay who are into these same things, which is rare. not to mention an 11-year old who was there with his mom (by him wanting to be there), after he learned about One through Warped Tour. this kid was pretty awesome.

the one blog has a good rundown of what happened at the event, as well as their materials (powerpoints, sheets, etc) available for download.


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