march 24 is shutdown day.

i'm a little late on this subject, but apparently tomorrow is "shutdown day." apparently there is an attempt to encourage as many people as possible to avoid using their computer for 24 hours, tomorrow, march 24. (or really in about 8 hours @ midnight)

the big question is can you go one day without being on the computer? i don't know that i can. i know i have, but it was never a choice it was more of a computer wasn't available. the event was set up by two guys from Montreal who are trying to see just how many people can go without it.

visit the shutdown day website for more information. the globe also did a pretty good article on the topic which you can find here.

you think you could go one whole day without email? google maps? myspace? youtube?
so far 55,734 people say they can, while only 9,049 say they cannot.

i guess we'll see.
i dont think i can go a day without checking my email, especially because i have a wedding to go to (which i'll need to probably get directions from online for), as well as a dance night up in sf (which requires me checking email/myspace to see if anyone else is down)... although knowing all this ahead of time i could easily just make phone calls instead of emails, and just write down the directions tonite...

yeah right.


how many blogs is too many?

i just ate way too much sushi over at omogari (korean food place in japan town--that recently started serving sushi), and i had to undo my top jeans button so i can breathe. even though i'm at work, no one can see me because my back is turned and i face my little corner cubicle walls.
. . . . .
lately i've been playing with the idea of creating a separate blog for my personal blog posts & my more political/community advocacy blog posts. lately i've done more of the latter, and i kinda miss just writing my bullshit thoughts down too. what do ya'll think? does anyone really read this? actually, thanks to google analytics, i know that at least a few people read my blog on a regular basis... and i know from what areas. i have blog readers from the bay area to los angeles, to canada, to china and even chile. i just don't know who... or why.

i can see how a more narrowly focused blog is more beneficial to readers, because then i can separate my personal life things which only my friends would probably read, vs. community level things that various people might find some interest in (community groups, advocacy groups, etc).

then if i do decide to do a new blog... should simple stories remain my personal blog while i create a new one that serves my other interests?

i don't know... wow. this is really what i'm thinking of at 3:20 on a friday, huh?


gimme shelter.

An exhibit to raise money and awareness for national problem of homelessness.
Exhibit: ONE NIGHT ONLY! - Friday, March 23rd, 2007
7-11 pm, free and open to the public
Music by: Troy Curtis

GIMME SHELTER is a touring exhibition of 400 works of art by 280 artists on cardboard to raise awareness and money for the national problem of homelessness.

Homelessness is roughly defined as "not having a safe, permanent, affordable place to live." It affects more than 600,000 people in the US on a daily basis, with about one-third of that number identified as "families."

Projections of homelessness in America paint a gloomy picture. Without intervention, and given the current rate of inflation, more than one million people could be homeless within the next ten years. The majority of the new homeless will be our elderly who will have to choose between vital medicine and a roof over their heads.

Gimmeshelter is partnered with The National Coalition for the Homeless, a Washington, D.C. - based organization that is dedicated not only to solving the systemic issues that lead to homelessness but works to provide for the immediate needs of the homeless. Any funds raised as a result of the US shows will go directly to the National Coalition for the Homeless.

Artists from around the globe have contributed works on a piece of corrugated cardboard, no larger that twelve inches on any one side. The list of talent ranges from well-known artists to obscure emerging talent. (Some familiar names to the Anno Domini audience would be: Anthony Ausgang, attaboy, BigFoot, BLINKY, Laura Brink, Dalek, Mike Giant, Jennybird, Jeremyville, Mars1, Kathie Olivas, OuchClub, Alex Pardee, Andrew Pommier, Poor Al, Jesse Reno and THINKMULE to name a few.)

Following the tour, all works of art will be sold on the Gimme Shelter website.
100% of the proceeds will be donated to: National Coalition for the Homeless
View full list of Participating Artists at
Exhibit: on view March 23rd, 2007 AD - ONE NIGHT ONLY!Gallery hours: Tues. - Sat., Noon - 7pm
so come on down & check it out. i am gonna go when it opens & try to see if i can afford buying something. :)


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weigh-in me not...

no weekly weigh-in. no progress has been made... which is because basically i havent had much time for exercise or wii play lately, so maybe when i start to feel like there's something actually worth posting i will start it up again, but for now.. no more.

remember: today is WORLD WATER DAY.

World Water Day March 22, 2007 World Water Day March 22, 2007
educate yourself & become aware of global issues. spread awareness & advocate for those who can't.

love, nicole.
(as always i promise to blog more later).



i know that obama-rama is totally NOT clever, but how could i resist?

anyway, as you probably know, or hopefully know, barack obama is gonna be in oakland tomorrow. to rsvp go here, although i'm sure you can just show up & hope to get in. i really, REALLY wanted to go, but unfortunately i cannot make it. hope he'll make his way back around here again before the primaries... since the California Primary finally means a little more since it's earlier! woohoo.

AND since it's been 4 horrible years since the start of the Iraq war, there are numerous war protests happening this weekend. i will most likely take part in the ANSWER sponsored protest march in san francisco on sunday. but check out united for to get more info on a number of events taking place (including a candle light vigil in downtown san jose on monday evening).

also..... last bit of advocacy for this post, march 22 is world water day, to raise awareness about the fact that 1 BILLION people don't have access to clean water. go here for more information, and please post a banner/ad on your blog/myspace. & support (buy) ethos water (if you INSIST on buyin' plastic bottled water, then at least support a good cause--even if its corportized because starbucks' vp & former vp are the creator of, whatcha gonna do?).

alright, i'm off my soapbox for now. ta-ta.

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chillin' with oxfam.

I'm on an online/phone conference training with Oxfam to discuss advocacy around the 2007 Farm Bill Reform- which is a big issue. They gave a good look at what the bill is & what problems need to be reformed.

The second part of the training is on how to focus on tips to writing a good letter to legislators.

They are going to do a second training on Monday, March 26, 5 p.m. our time, 9 p.m. EST. You can check out their materials here.

more later...

update (3/16): to join the oxfam farm bill action team then click here.
AND to view the new PBS video “A Growing Hunger” about the Farm Bill and cotton farmers in the US and Africa, at
plus visit oxfam to see specific efforts being done on the farm bill.

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i am fucking pissed & annoyed at google & blogger because they can't figure out their shit problems with the image posting for blogger!!!! you can't effectively publish them through picasa or by directly uploading them into a blog post. now images i had posted several posts ago don't show up on my computer, or randomly show up on some computers but not all. what the hell google?

come on google, get your shit together. you're supposed to be badass and you are totally not. and clearly i've been watching too much daily show and i'm starting to sound like jon stewart...

and you too blogger, don't think you're getting off lightly, ever since you have new blogger, beta blogger users are given the shaft. i made your switch over to new blogger and look where it's gotten me! image red "X" death boxes!

i curse you blogger! i curse you google! i curse you until you fix these problems that are affecting me and then i can love you again.

until then...

update (3:20 p.m.): why do my photos show up now after i posted my rant? can the few people who read this please let me know if you see images from previous posts??? GRRR. :)

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sweet. conan is coming to san francisco for a week. you can try to get tickets here. i sent in my request last night.
week 7: 97
week 6: 98
week 5: 99
week 4: 99
week 3: 98
week 2: 101
week 1: 100 (baseline)
(refer to previous posts: week 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1).

i have lots more updates but it'll have to come later.


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the weekly weigh-in.

week 6: 98
week 5: 99
week 4: 99
week 3: 98
week 2: 101
week 1: 100 (baseline)
(refer to previous posts: week 5, 4, 3, 2, 1).

no time for anything else to write.

come to this fashion show tonight! it's for a good cause & come see some amazing young designers display some amazing fashion items w/ a positive message.


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welcome kiera elizabeth baird.

lots have happened this week & i've been slow to post... cuz of the fashion show that's happening today. but i wanted to do a quick update, especially with the big news that....

i have a new neice! my sister finally had her baby, a little girl--kiera. she's adorable. i am going to go & see her next week. she was born on tuesday, march 6 around 7 p.m. in the evening.



i'm tired, drained, feeling beat-up and phased out. words & phrases of the weekend: emotionally drained, territorial, arrogance and new job. long fucking weekend. i'll spare you on the details. gettin' out the bad emotions is more for my own diary-esque reasons.

lots happening. festival & con' city. noise pop. wondercon. cinequest. i attended 2 noise pop shows this weekend (as well as snow patrol on thursday)... so basically spent my weekend nights (thurs-sat) up in san francisco. friday's ted leo show was disappointing. i love ted leo, but this was the worst time of all the 10 or so times i've seen him. he played 8 new songs & the album isn't even out yet. he ended his set with a chumbawamba song, and it wasn't even tub-thumping (or whatever the fuck their hit was called). it just seemed kinda lame. opening bands sucked too.

then last night, i went to the ponys show @ bottom of the hill which can be described with two words: fucking boring. all the bands were fucking boring or cookie cutter, and the ponys whose album "laced with romance" has this awesome raw rock'n'roll sound ala phil spector, totally blew. they also played a bunch of new songs (again, album not out yet), and the songs werent even good. at least ted leo's new songs were good. the ponys flew all the way out from chicago for this show & clearly didnt even want to be there. the entire crowd was so bored that they didnt even cheer for an encore, they just left to go outside and smoke. i miss their old singer/songwriter. last time i saw them a couple years ago, they were way better.

the one highlight of both nights: getting to hang out with old friends & talk shit. plus i had some really great chinese food on saturday, and on friday jocelyn gave me this cheesecake on a stick pastry that was amazing.

wondercon... nothing to report. i didnt go this year. nothing in the lineup really inspired me to go. i think i'll just wait for alternative press expo & maybe, just MAYBE i'll head back down to comic con this year after a 3-year hiatus. we'll see.

cinequest... haven't gone to anything yet, but assuming that i have time between work stuff, i plan on checking some stuff out with laura. tho, most of it will probably be on saturday or sunday so i can de-stress and just fuck off.

i kinda want to hibernate for a week. a sign of depression? no. more of mental-health necessity. or maybe just annoyance.

other thoughts on the weekend...

fuck ann coulter.

no... the chinese new year's parade is not at fisherman's wharf. ha.

what's with the standing ovation for isaiah washington at the naacp awards? i guess repeatedly using gay slurs is still considered civil? hmmm.

kscu got a makeover. it was my first time down there in over a year, and the library looks awesome! (nice job eid & olga!)

this isn't exactly from this weekend, but still worth mentioning... kenneth eng, "asianweek" columnist, is fired because... well, because he wrote some crazy racist shit.

and, i bought tickets for the arcade fire show & the shins show--two of my favorite bands.

ok. i've got stuff to do now. later.

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the weekly weigh-in

weigh-in time. no change. which isn't bad considering i haven't exercised much this week, and have been eating kind of bad food. i can live with that.

week 5: 99
week 4: 99
week 3: 98
week 2: 101
week 1: 100 (baseline)
(refer to previous posts: week 4, 3, 2, 1).

that's all i have time for, for now. i will try to post more in the next couple of days, but i will be super busy with work & noise pop shows.



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