how many blogs is too many?

i just ate way too much sushi over at omogari (korean food place in japan town--that recently started serving sushi), and i had to undo my top jeans button so i can breathe. even though i'm at work, no one can see me because my back is turned and i face my little corner cubicle walls.
. . . . .
lately i've been playing with the idea of creating a separate blog for my personal blog posts & my more political/community advocacy blog posts. lately i've done more of the latter, and i kinda miss just writing my bullshit thoughts down too. what do ya'll think? does anyone really read this? actually, thanks to google analytics, i know that at least a few people read my blog on a regular basis... and i know from what areas. i have blog readers from the bay area to los angeles, to canada, to china and even chile. i just don't know who... or why.

i can see how a more narrowly focused blog is more beneficial to readers, because then i can separate my personal life things which only my friends would probably read, vs. community level things that various people might find some interest in (community groups, advocacy groups, etc).

then if i do decide to do a new blog... should simple stories remain my personal blog while i create a new one that serves my other interests?

i don't know... wow. this is really what i'm thinking of at 3:20 on a friday, huh?


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