who to point the finger at? and which finger?

i am fucking pissed & annoyed at google & blogger because they can't figure out their shit problems with the image posting for blogger!!!! you can't effectively publish them through picasa or by directly uploading them into a blog post. now images i had posted several posts ago don't show up on my computer, or randomly show up on some computers but not all. what the hell google?

come on google, get your shit together. you're supposed to be badass and you are totally not. and clearly i've been watching too much daily show and i'm starting to sound like jon stewart...

and you too blogger, don't think you're getting off lightly, ever since you have new blogger, beta blogger users are given the shaft. i made your switch over to new blogger and look where it's gotten me! image red "X" death boxes!

i curse you blogger! i curse you google! i curse you until you fix these problems that are affecting me and then i can love you again.

until then...

update (3:20 p.m.): why do my photos show up now after i posted my rant? can the few people who read this please let me know if you see images from previous posts??? GRRR. :)

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