step it up: climate action festival.

hopefully blogger + google is cooperating and you can view the above image. but this saturday, april 14 is a national climate day of action. there are quite a bit of events happening in the bay area-no surprise there. you can get a listing of events by zip code if you visit this website. i think i'm gonna attend the palo alto one, because the only other south bay event (apart from santa cruz ones) is a private event at harker academy. lame.

and while i'm on the topic of global warming, i have to link this article from green options that was an april fools prank that i totally feel for. i'll just lead in by saying the headline is: "president declares april as national oil awareness month." how sad is it that i could actually believe ol' bush would say most of these things? even if i read them with a gaping mouth and found myself laughing in a sad sort of way.

oh those damn nerdy bloggers.

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