march 24 is shutdown day.

i'm a little late on this subject, but apparently tomorrow is "shutdown day." apparently there is an attempt to encourage as many people as possible to avoid using their computer for 24 hours, tomorrow, march 24. (or really in about 8 hours @ midnight)

the big question is can you go one day without being on the computer? i don't know that i can. i know i have, but it was never a choice it was more of a computer wasn't available. the event was set up by two guys from Montreal who are trying to see just how many people can go without it.

visit the shutdown day website for more information. the globe also did a pretty good article on the topic which you can find here.

you think you could go one whole day without email? google maps? myspace? youtube?
so far 55,734 people say they can, while only 9,049 say they cannot.

i guess we'll see.
i dont think i can go a day without checking my email, especially because i have a wedding to go to (which i'll need to probably get directions from online for), as well as a dance night up in sf (which requires me checking email/myspace to see if anyone else is down)... although knowing all this ahead of time i could easily just make phone calls instead of emails, and just write down the directions tonite...

yeah right.


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