can't resist one last post...

i think this is the funniest shit that has happened in a long time, and i cant stop myself from posting about it. maybe it's the fact that i've been watching the show since day 1 & visit sites like the mooninites random quote generator... but this is seriously fucking genius.

click the image below to see a video on youtube about how the guys put them up all over the city (the embedded code was being a dick so i couldn't post it directly).


and i couldn't resisit posting a picture of my socks that tyler got me @ comic con.

please click the socks for another hilarious account of the mooninites bomb scare, courtesy of the boston-ist. my favorite quote from the article is that the Boston Globe called the mooninites: "little square-shaped men frowning and making an obscene gesture." priceless.

am i the only one finding this much pleasure out of this? oh how the simple things amuse me...

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