what a shopping whore.

that shopping whore would be me.

so this is the damage at rasputin: $44.20
and these are the goods:
  1. the hold steady- boys & girls in america (FINALLY!)
  2. girlsareshort- early north american (i fell in love w/ this when i reviewed it at KSCU back in the day [2003]
  3. figurine- transportation + communication = love
  4. the rapture- pieces of the people we love
  5. the jim yoshi pile-up- picks us apart

actually didn't do so bad; i managed to stay within the $25- $50. guidelines, and got most of the cds used & under 6 bucks.

the BAD shopping whoreness took place at old navy, which came out to be about $150. damn. though i did buy mostly sale items. i managed to get: 3 pairs of pants, one jacket, a boys hoodie, an orange cashmere pullover, a red work shirt, and two camis.

not to mention a bought a couple things online earlier from fred flare. eep. that's what happens when you get paid and the rent & all the bills have already cleared! you see $$$ and you must consume, consume, consume.

plus, how on earth could i resist this duffel bag? you know my heart obsessed-self could never!alright. i'm starving, time for a popcorn snack and some more ugly betty episodes (bless fox family for airing that marathon on new years).

mood: satisfied. music: girlsareshort- early north american!

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