whats going on here?

i know, i know. i am flakin' out on my blog that i was so dedicated to for a few weeks. things have been pretty crazy busy and intense this past month.

there's been: trips out of town (to and from palm spings twice), day after thanksgiving thanksgiving, canceled concerts-at least my attendance at (wolfmother & not so silent night), tons of holiday shopping, lots of work projects & tasks, family drama, sadness, dog-sitting & house-sitting, neglected netflix and ironweed film club dvds, wii playing, decorating x-mas tree, present wrapping, holiday parties, trip planning, fillin' up my itunes, movie night get togethers (nachooooooo)... and that about sums it up.

coming up: g'n'r friday night (egad!), christmas in the park & vasona lake lights, the nutcracker, more shopping (attempting to get a wii from target on sunday), vegas-beatles "love" performance, christmas w/ three families, scary work budget cuts, hanging out with friends... ??

and now, time to watch outfoxed because i think netflix shipped it to me over 2 weeks ago. yup, they are definitely making money off me these past couple of months. oh well.

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