in memory.

over the past couple weeks i have had to say goodbye to my grandpa & a friend of mine from high school... it's been a tough month.

in memory of my grandpa (charles mcewan) i post this picture:

don quixote. as my sister put it, my grandpa was never the type of person to say "i don't know". if he didn't know... he made it up. he was a man of many stories (some of them true, some of them tall-tales). he had a big heart and i love him & miss him very much.

this picture is for my high school journalism buddy nancy nguyen:

nancy always loved piggys...she never parted with one in high school (a stuffed animal one that is). nancy was my friend senior year of high school--where we battled out ms. williams, our mean journalism teacher together. nancy was quietly quirky then--i saw myself that way too. she had a big heart and she will be missed.


it might be cliche to say, but at times like these you really start thinking about your life & how you want to leave your mark on the world & about doing everything you want to do in life & getting everything you want out of your life... and just loving life. which i do.

love, nicole.

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