chillin' like a little white girl in a frozen apartment...

it is really fucking cold in my house. i think it's below 60 degrees. my hands are like frozen french fries. i got the pilot light lit but that damned thermostat choses to be a bastard, so i called my rent company and they are sending someone tomorrow.

other than that... things are going well. i have only one gift left to buy & i just have to wait until tomorrow (when i get paid). this season its all about the baked goods for me... i am going to make our family famous sherry-wine cakes for my peeps, and i'm also going to make pumpkin cookies & me and nathan are gonna make gingerbread houses... (hopefully).

i could really go for a fatty mug of hot chocolate right now. some hot chocolate and a little mario party action would be ultra sweet.

speaking of mario, me & nate were shit outta luck on the wii-target situation on sunday. we got there and about fifty people were in line ahead of us... and target had about 10-15 wiis. damn them. BUT amazon did a raffle to allow people to purchase some and BEN my savior (and brother in-law), won! it'll get here a few days past christmas but nevertheless, we'll have a wii-filled new years. that game console is seriously A-MA-ZING! i want to make love to it. it's that amazing.

ok. it's tamale-time for me... nate's work had a tamale-fest (w/ mariachi's!) and i'm reeping the leftover benefits.

wish me luck in not freezing to death.

1 Responses to “chillin' like a little white girl in a frozen apartment...”

  1. # Blogger psylentjay

    can i come over and play? The Zelda game on Wii = OFF DA HOOK!

    Happy Christmakwanzakkah to u and urs.  

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