the afternoon slump.

i've gotten a lot of work done so far today, surprising after the holiday & being sick, but the office is quiet (people are still gone), so it's been pretty easy. until now. i'm hitting the afternoon slump. those 2 p.m.--4 p.m. hours where you just can't self-start. dangit. i need remedies for this. usually i am busy and out of the office around these hours, but since the schools are just getting started again i'm stuck here.

perhaps caffiene will help. i've been drinking lots of black tea & honey to give me a boost + work the whole sore throat angle with the honey. seems to be doing the trick.

oh yeah, and happy new year! as for resolutions... i am giving up starbucks coffee. i don't really go there all that often as it is, so i'm going to attempt to avoid it (and avoid bringing the youth to it as well). it's not that they are the only big coffee evil, they are just the biggest evil; they are the walmart of coffee.

my other resolution is to really work towards being more green. i'm actually fairly good about it, but it's time to step it up.

tea time. ciao!

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