boys & girls in america.

i know you aren't supposed to buy gifts for yourself so close to christmas, but i'm going to break the rule. after reading over stereogum's top 30 albums of the year, its damn fucking time i pick up the new hold steady record. i honestly don't know why i hadnt already... apart from i'm lazy & forgetful. i loved their last record (not to mention lifter puller) so it really only makes sense to get it. doi nicole. lame-ass.

so before heading off to lulu's to play santa (give her xmas gift), i'm gonna stop by streetlight for the album.

side note: i was happy to discover that i was actually able to stream the mp3's from the stereogum blog from work... normally i get the white screen of death: ACCESS DENIED. they seem to be streaming through a site called "the hype machine" which i know nothing about, but now i'm their biggest fan ever. i heart hype machine. it seems to be some sort of music blog search engine... that focus on finding mp3's and videos (it has several links to videos from you tube).

i think i want to make love to the hype machine. i am seriously obsessed now.

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