glass coversations.

just discovered the ponys are playing noise pop. hee-haw. i'm super stoked on that one, and i actually have a friend who's into them as well--thanks teshia! so i don't have to go it alone. i've seen the ponys twice. i do miss their previous singer, but i'm still digging the current band. their new album is supposed to come out this year... (they signed to matador).

so that means... three shows in a row that week. snow patrol (3/1), teddie leo (3/2), and now the ponys (3/3). i look forward to all of them.
i've decided that once a week i will go record shopping. ever since i've left kscu my music collection just hasn't been the same. nowadays i rely heavily on online-music listening through myspace or music blogs, and i miss record shopping. so if i can limit myself to $25-$50 bucks a week to music, i would be pretty happy with myself. it may seem like a lot of money, but i've got a lot of catching up to do.

while i usually try to support streetlight records over rasputin, streetlight these days (or months or years) has been pretty disappointing. i go in which a handful of records i'm looking for and leave with nothing. they aren't good about carrying a lot of new releases, restocking doesn't seem to take place very often, and their used section sucks now because you spend all your time on the floor.

rasputin on the other hand, has a pretty rad used section that is well stocked, and definitely laid out in a way that makes it easy to search genres. a lot of their new releases though are way over priced--which is where streetlight has them beat (if you can actually find it there).

either way... i'll let you know what my latest additions end up being.
and while i'm out, i think i'm going to pick up some new pants from old navy. you know its bad when you are LITERALLY wearing the same pair of jeans EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK. i know... i know. i seriously don't know what i'd do if i couldn't wear jeans to work.

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