she drove it like she stole it.

back at work today; i'm still sick. i've been sick with a nasty cold since friday. bleck. christmas was good despite the nasty cold. we (nate & i) spent christmas eve at my parents house with my sister, ben & my cute lil' nephew dylan. he's about 1.5 now and boy is he super cute (that's me & him).

he is completely obsessed with cars... so he got really excited whenever he opened a gift and it was a car... he'd go.. "ca... ca... ca... ca..r....".

had a good christmas, but more on that later.

i went to buy my ted leo ticket through virtuous and tickets were sold out, so i rushed over to the site to see if they had any available, and luckily they did. so i bought two in case teshia/jocelyn or whoever else didn't get tickets yet.

ok. just a short post for today... more once i upload my photos.

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