walking for cause.

today was the walk for AIDS in san jose (i believe you can still donate!). i marched with a bunch of our youth advocates. we cheated and took the short cut. this was my 8th year doing the walk, and it just gets weirder and weirder every year. by weirder i mean, taken over by giggly asian girls and mainstream interact/key club high school students. where are all the community groups that work doing HIV/AIDS awareness? there's definitely a presence lacking there (there is SOME presense, but not much)... and there could have been some better information given out throughout the walk. still always a great thing to participate in... and continuously advocate for (expanded testing, rapid testing, tolerance, awareness, etc)...

after that we all went to do health outreach at the berryessa flea market open air health fair. i was pretty drained by the time we got there and set up our CATT table. luckily the youth had enough energy to handle tabling for a couple of hours. they rule. these are definitely the aspects of my job that keeps me sane and coming back to work day after day in this suburban-sprawl called santa clara county.

weekend work like this makes me really not want to go and sit in my tiny closet of a cubicle tomorrow morning. luckily our advocates at silver creek high school are planning their second-annual healthy haunted lounge (our fifth year doing a haunted house at various schools), so we get to have a planning meeting in the afternoon.

that's all for now... basically my weekend was spent working for the most part. i managed to sneak in time for a sushi dinner saturday night with the boyfriend and nicole, the boyfriend's sister. (she's awesome and let me burn the new beck cd!) also managed a trip to mervyns for some new bras, socks and underwear.

oh. i hella party. i hella do.

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