but contessa.... i already did.

i just made my first iTunes purchase! woo for me being years behind on technology! my first ever purchase was a live version of "streets on fire" by the new pornographers. not a big shocker there. i also bought a live version of "new slang" performed by the shins & iron & wine. i'm HELLA indie-rock.

i'm now going to go completely broke 99 cents at a time! what the hell have i gotten myself into!
as you can tell i've recently purchased a video ipod (my baby is pictured).

i'm a little sad because they don't have the ugly betty episodes up for download. its my only show conflict and i was going to try to watch it ala my video ipod--but no luck. i guess that's what tv on dvd is for.

i'm still scouting out a good car-adapter... i've been told the iTrip isn't all that, and that there are some better alternatives. if anyone has something they like that is 30gb video ipod compatible--holla at your girl! also--i'm looking for an rca adapter to hook it into the tv as well. i know there is the apple brand, but my sister says its not necessary to purchase it, that you can get a cheaper more generic one, you just have to play with the inputs because apple purposely makes it weird so you "have" to use their products. apparently digital video recorder adapters work--so that is what i shall be looking for... i am not technologically savvy, so i will be reading some consumer reports.

ok. i'm going to continue exploring this itunes thing and just music in general...

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