a simple kind of day.

so i thought i was supposed to work today at the open air health fair @ the berryessa flea market. come to find out that its actually tomorrow. now after i do the walk for AIDS its off to do five hours or so of health education outreach. goodie.

despite going to the flea market for nada, me and jasmine (one of our youth advocates) made a day of it, and i bought one of those GIANT spicy-salami sticks that my sister was obsessed with. they are fucking huge and cost 16 bucks! oh but they are so delicious. i also bought some chili-lime pistacios. i looked all over for lucas, the mexican chili-powder candy that my sister is obsessed with and that we used to eat 24-7 as kids, but no luck. this is the story that goes with the lucas search: my sister LOVES this stuff... LOVES this stuff. while she was pregnant with my nephew dylan she craved this stuff like crazy, and now that she is pregnant with baby number two (sidenote--hopefully with a little girlie), she is craving lucas even more.

only here's the rub: last december the FDA decided to crackdown on the mexican candy because of lead levels... of course, lucas was investigated and plucked from the "market". i thought--i bet i can still find that shit at the flea market. so... while i was there i looked everywhere for it. no luck. so i called her and told that even the mexicans at the flea market won't sell the candy--therefore it's probably best not to ingest it. i dont want my little neice/nephew getting lead poisoning (or my sister for that matter). apparently ben (her husband) is VERY happy that we have had no luck finding lucas.

sorry rach, i tried. i really did.

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