
i just discovered that i have monday off! sweet. a three-day weekend is just what i needed. of course, scoring a day off due to columbus day is a little sad (rape? pillaging anyone?), but i will make sure not to let it go to waste. i will work really hard to be as lazy and useless as possible. or maybe i'll actually do something... go shopping in san francisco/santa cruz or go hiking. or maybe i'll do something girly like use my birthday gift from nathan--which was a day at a spa, with a nice massage, seaweed wrap, facial... i've never had any of those done. being pampered sounds like a good thing to do.
by the way, i'm already behind on my exercise schedule. i turned off my alarm instead of hitting snooze and slept in. whoops! but i did manage to get some time in on the exercise bike, as well as a few stength exercise-yoga type moves. maybe i can go for an evening jog tonight (before earl & grey's anatomy!)--if it's not raining.

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