from head to toe.

yesterday i got a free hair cut from my friend berenice at head to toe salon in campbell. she just recently got her cosmetology license, so she needs hair models (tuesday & wednesday--if you're interested).

the haircut took awhile (2.5 hours) but it was a model-lesson type of deal so i didnt mind. PLUS they always offer a beverage of your choice when you go there... so you know i was having a beer (they also offer wine for you winos). plus berenice gave me a chocolate chip cookie so i was all set.

i am totally happy with the haircut. i love it. plus her boss checks over her work to give her tips and make sure everything looks good--in case you're worried about leaving looking like a beauty school hair model. ha.

any way... i recommend it. she also needs guys who need haircuts to practice.
monday night i went to mexico lindo for dinner with teshia and jocelyn. i was annoyed that we went to eat mexican food and they ordered salads. silly girls. we could have just gone to togos.

after dinner we went to karaoke at the blank club. jocelyn ("walking on sunshine") & michael (know the song, not the title) sang, me & teshia did not. i have too big a case of stage fright to sing. i heard my first incredibly HORRIBLE version of "sweet caroline" (one of my all-time favorite karaoke songs) while we were there. the lady was super drunk (which can make for good karaoke or very bad), and in this case it was definitely the latter.

tonight is the finale of project runway. we are attempting to revive our project runway girls night get-to-gether in honor of the season 3 finale. i'm rooting for michael, but i'm excited to see jeffrey's line.

time for me to leave for work.

1 Responses to “from head to toe.”

  1. # Blogger Julie

    yaaaaaaay i like the 'do  

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