adventures in puppy-sitting...

this weekend was spent babysitting my parents adorable little beagle, penny. she's about 2 and a half years old (i believe), and she's awesome!

my parents have a pretty amazing little house nestled in the outskirts of alum rock park. looking out from their back deck you see the hills, and at any given time the following animals: deer, wild boar, wild turkeys, peacocks, and once mom was scared by a mountain lion one evening.

while i was there i went swimming in their little "club house" pool. it was completely empty, and pretty cold (but you get used to it). the hills surround the pool and theirs a little pond surrounding the pool that sprouts a little water fountain. it was pretty fucking awesome scenary for swimming. no one can really see you in the pool from their houses either--it's pretty private.

my parents are always overly supplying us (me & nate) with food and goodies when we agree to puppy-sit, which is AWESOME! we basically have the laziest weekend imaginable, because we're set up with the snacks, plus they have every movie-cable channel possible, including on-demand (which im still waiting for COMCAST!).

thus we mostly spent time watching episodes of survivor: segregation. and baseball. we attempted to watch phantoms... you know... "affleck you the bomb in phantoms"-phantoms. i fell asleep. i think it's more than a sign that its time for bed, when you go upstairs and penny is already asleep upstairs on her little chair-bed.

anyway, getting back to penny... she is the cutest, sweetest little girl. she mostly just sleeps, but who can blame her, she's a dog afterall. she likes to bark at all the wild animals, and she also enjoys licking the dishes as you put them into the dishwasher. observe at right. i like the pink collar my mom gave her.

today is my day off and im definately enjoying it. i was waken up before 8 a.m. by the phone, but i wasnt that pissed. actually it was good to get up early, so far i've played around on myspace, hooked up the subwoofer (arf! arf!)-computer speakers for the sirius radio that my dad gave me (i'm gonna test them with my ipod in a bit), uploaded some photos from my camera to picasa, and now i'm just about dressed and ready for a day of hanging out with tish and berenice, then after my kickboxing class, dinner with joce & teshia then brit-pop karaoke at the blank.

today should be a good day.

mood: upbeat.

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