my new bike!

i bought a "new" bike! well... it's new to me, but definitely not NEW. its a 65-68 (the guy didn't know the exact year) raleigh sprite 27 cruiser! i dont know what that means, but i dig it. i found it on craigslist and got it for half of what the guy was asking (i paid 75 bucks). i've never bought anything off craigslist before... it was a little weird. it's a fixer upper (as you can tell), but i'm super stoked about it! i already wiped it down a bit and put more air in the tires. i think the back tired needs a new tube, plus i've got to get a new wire for the back brake & replace the gear shifter but HEY! I GOT A NEW BIKE!

i can't wait to pimp my bike, give it a rad paint job and "nicole-it-up". i'm excited. now i can be part of the bike gang with jocelyn, robin, eidelyn and olga (lulu and virginia said they aren't into the bike thing).

either way, woohoo.
i was looking forward to coming home, enjoying the rogue "dead man's ale" i just bought and watching grey's anatomy. rogues ale is fucking awesome, by the way--it's brewed in oregon and has rad bottle art (view at right). check out there website too--they have some really amazing sounding beers. so anyway... i sit down to watch it [grey's anatomy] on the replay (what you kids call tivo) and it wasn't there! i did some investigating and figured out that nathan set something to record at 8:30 tonight (the same time greys anatomy repeats--so it erased my saved episode!).

oh well... i will watch it at 8 and then battlestar at 9 p.m. its a good tv night for me. i was planning on going over to barnes and noble to check out "the end" a series of unfortunate events release party at 7 p.m. but now that i'm home, i'm in "home-mode" and i don't want to leave. i'll definitely pick up the book this weekend though.

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