ban marriage

any of you'z guy'z i hang out with wanna go to see the hidden cameras with me on november 29th @ the independent? i don't really know which or if any of my friends likes them. (i stole the cute skull you see from their website.)
tish's event last night at emmas was a success. it was an art & music show, which i only saw the art part--since i left at around 10-ish before the music started. i bought a pair of earrings made by my friend renee, and put in a request for another pair. she makes some rad stuff (i'll try to post more info/pics so you can see how rad).
i think cold season has hit. i've been fighting something off for most of this week...but it could have more to do with long work hours + physical/building halloween sets of tarps that are five years old & full of dust and paint chips.
the election is coming up pretty soon. hopefully all ya'll are registered and taking your asses to vote on the 7th. i will bitch your ear off if you aren't. and PLEASE even though it's too late to register and vote in time for this election, just REGISTER NOW while it's in your head, so that you can vote in the next election. thank you.

so... this election i'm finding myself voting more green. not a big surprise considering the sad state of the democratic party. there's a big different between being a liberal & a progressive (i consider myself the latter). i'll be posting more on the election in the days to come. if you're stuck on issues/candidates... the league of young voters has an amazing voter guide to help guide you.

that's all for now folks.

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