and i'm starvin'... i'll bite your arm off!

I LOVE CANDY!!!!!!!!! Ahh... it's Halloween season; my time of year.

Halloween is my favorite season because 1) I get to eat lots of candy, 2) I get to dress up as something silly (this year--a corn dog w/ mustard & a scary nurse/insane asylum patient for our haunted house), and 3) the decorations are of cute & scary monsters.

this time of year also means lots of working over time for little ol' me. each year we do a haunted house at one of the schools i work at, and boy does it take a lot of time and energy to do one of them. ive never been in drama or theater stuff before so i'm never used to it when it gets to be october and i'm building sets/scenes out of giant tarps and hanging them from ceiling light fixtures. in the end, its always really freakin' awesome though.

which by the way, if you aren't doing anything halloween night, come on by silver creek high school. the school hosts trick-or-treating at all the classrooms, and then you can pass through our FREE haunted house. woo-whoo.

alright. i'm out for now... not much time for blogging these days.

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