merck is no more.

i just read through a warp records email that the merck label is closing shop. back when i was music director & radio dj @ kscu, i sought out merck in an effort to get more music from electronic labels & i fell in love w/ them when i first heard the tiki obmar record (and saw them live at CMJ). they had quite a few artists that i totally dug, including: machinedrum, proem, tiki obmar, helios, deceptikon, syndrome... mostly idm-electronic stuff.

this is what the website has to say: "We are both sad and happy to announce that this will be the last year of Merck Records. Once we have released 51 cds (Merck 047 + 4 Mixes) and 50 vinyls which should be complete roughly around January 2007, we will stop releasing new material. We have many reasons for this, in the interest of briefness we will just say that its time to move on. After we have completed 101 total releases (currently at 94) we will sell off our remaining stock and there will be no more represses. We thank EVERYONE who have supported us over the years, you made this possible. "

the owner's label, gabe, was very friendly and always responded to my emails requesting (begging) for machinedrum vinyl & other merck releases.

R.I.P. merck... i'll miss you.

apparently there is a sister label to merck, narita, that put out some good releases last year. they are up & running, so i will have to check them out.

merck just released their last cd ever, the new proswell (another artist i enjoyed)... so shop them out, and check out narita.

currently listening: npr- fresh air archives.
mood: sleepy.

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