friend opportunity.

i went shopping during lunch yesterday at streetlight (how great is it that streetlight is in walking distance to my work & rasputin is just a couple minutes drive?). i made the following purchases:
  1. the shins- wincing the night away
  2. deerhoof- friend opportunity
  3. feist- open season (remixes & collabs)

haven't had enough time to absorb any of them to comment.

there's also tons of shows coming up. i've already got tickets for snow patrol (march 1) & ted leo (march 2), i'm also planning on getting tickets to the ponys (march 3), camera obscura (february 16--maybe), muse, kaiser chiefs, japan night @ the independent (march 19) & i heard ted leo is comin' again in april so i'll definitely be there.

time for work.

currently listening: howard on sirius.

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