it's better in the matinee...

i got off work earlier today because i had a doctors appt (basically i TOOK time off), so i decided to hit up a matinee at the campbell plaza down the street from my apartment. i was in the mood for stupid-funny. dumb-funny. so i decided on school for scoundrels. i kinda have a "thing" (not really a "thing-thing" just a sorta-"thing") for billy bob thorton. i also ADORE sarah silverman--who had a TINY part playing the bitch (type-cast?) friend/roomate.

any way, i also decided theater over netflix because roeper said it had JUST ENOUGH laughs to recommend the movie. ummmm. what laughs? it was anger management part 2 except that billy bob wasn't messing around--he was really a dick doing all this mean stuff. there was a lot of mis-used talent in the movie, including david cross.

overall--roeper can eat it, i don't recommend a theater viewing of this--wait for cable.

veronica mars season premiere starts in five minutes! but i'm off to nate's softball game. actually i'm running late so i'd better end this.

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