catching fish.

two weekends ago, me and my boyfriend (nathan) went up to clearlake to hang out with my family. my mom & dad had rented a house on the lake for a whole week. they also rented a boat for a couple days. my sister, my brother-in-law and nephew also came up. and then there was also penny (parent's adorable beagle).

it's been awhile since i've done the boating/fishing thing, but i really enjoyed it. i can easily see myself doing that type of stuff a lot more often. we went out on the boat a bunch, and i went swimming in the lake. i think me and ben (bro-in-law) were the only two who went for a swim. it was hard enough convincing nathan to go on the boat (but he did eventually!). me and him had some good times fishing. he caught the first one... a blue-gil i think... a smaller-ish fish. :) i, on the other hand, caught myself a decent sized catfish. we ended up throwing it back because none of us knew what to do with it (how to get the hook out--as it was deep inside it, or how to clean it, etc), so we threw it back in the lake.

it was good times. next step: convice my parents to buy a boat! i'm hooked. aha. get it... hooked. anyway... click on my clever drawing for pictures of the clearlake adventure.

xoxoxo, nicole.

music: snow patrol: eyes open. (track 6 & 8 i'm totally in love with!)
mood: cramped (pap smears are not my friend--is that too much info? oh well. its clinical so its not dirty.)

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