
The Banyan Tree Project is a national campaign to stop HIV/AIDS-related stigma in Asian & Pacific Islander (A&PI) communities. To learn more please visit (more)

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God Grew Tired Of Us...

Check out this cool Darfur Awareness/Benefit Event happening this Sunday, April 22 @ Camera 12 in downtown San Jose, 3 p.m.

Join us (Save Darfur Coalition) for a screening of "God Grew Tired of Us", the Sundance award-winning documentary about the Lost Boys of Sudan. Following the film, one of the Lost Boys from San Jose, from the film, will speak about the current conflict in Darfur. Tickets are $20, $10 for students, and all of the proceeds will support Solar Cookers for Darfur refugees living in Chad

To purchase tickets visit:, or for more info:

Come out and support a good cause.

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step it up: climate action festival.

hopefully blogger + google is cooperating and you can view the above image. but this saturday, april 14 is a national climate day of action. there are quite a bit of events happening in the bay area-no surprise there. you can get a listing of events by zip code if you visit this website. i think i'm gonna attend the palo alto one, because the only other south bay event (apart from santa cruz ones) is a private event at harker academy. lame.

and while i'm on the topic of global warming, i have to link this article from green options that was an april fools prank that i totally feel for. i'll just lead in by saying the headline is: "president declares april as national oil awareness month." how sad is it that i could actually believe ol' bush would say most of these things? even if i read them with a gaping mouth and found myself laughing in a sad sort of way.

oh those damn nerdy bloggers.

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more google bragging, apparently google earth has teamed up with the u.s. holocaust memorial museum to raise awareness (even more) about what has been going on in the sudan since 2003 (when the conflict escalated).

check out this cnn article.

and make sure to check out google earth. And the ogle earth blog.

and in relation to darfur & community awareness, please check out this film & speaker event happening at Camera 12 (in downtown San Jose) on April 22. It's being sponsored by the Save Darfur Coalition. Go here for more information.

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biodiesel myth-busting.

green options has a cool installment on biodiesel fuel that you should check out. Click here for the first installment.

subscribe to their blog, it's a good one. also--if you are a googlephile, and have a gmail account, i highly recommend using their google reader feature. on the personalized google homepage you can personalize a bunch of different options, including adding google reader... where all your blog subscriptions show up in an awesomely accessible way.

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South Bay ONE Campaign Chapter Meeting

If anyone is looking for something positive to do tomorrow from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. I'm attempting to set up a South Bay ONE Campaign Chapter meeting. Send me an email if you are interested and I'll send you the details.

holla @ yer girl.

i know, i'm stupid.


a new spot to bullshit.

I decided that this blog is becoming too social change advocacy based to post about my stupid life bullshit... so I've created a new spot for my BS. If you are interested in the website address... leave a comment and I'll send it to you. Sorry to be so secret about it but there's some folks who don't need to know it......

But for now, this blog will stay up and focus on current news, upcoming events, etc. etc.

More later...

- Nicole

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