back from the dead.

i am alive. i swear. this post right here is the proof.

more to come...

love, nicole.

p.s. i saw the hidden cameras last night.
p.p.s. yeaaaaah!

get out the vote: you lazy fuckers.

tomorrow is election day, and that means taking five whole minutes out of your day (your employers are REQUIRED to give you time off to go and vote!) and going to the poll! if you are registered, but don't know your polling place, go here. if you aren't registered, then do it NOW in time for the next election.

if you are stuck on certain issues: the league of young (& pissed off) voters has a great voter guide to help in your decisions (& if you are progressive-minded folks--which you SHOULD be if you are my friend--then the guide is right on!).

a couple highlights:

obviously, phil. sadly the only hope to defeat arnie. i really do despise the democrats right now, but not as much as the republicans.

overall: i'm actually going green this year & voting for todd cretian (senator) mehul thakker (treasurer) & larry cafiero (insurance commissioner); despite that feinstein is going to be voted in until she kicks it; she's been in office for like 30 years! i know its still a two-party system, but it'll never change unless people vote differently...

major props:

83: NO! i actually stole this from Avi cuz i feel the same way and he said it better than i could... If you get drunk at a bar, don't feel like waiting in line for the bathroom, and get caught by pissing on a tree in the alley out back, you are a registered sex offender. The law already says you can't be within 200 feet of a school or park. This law extends that distance to 2,000 feet, meaning that registered sex offenders, even if they just pissed on a tree fifty years ago, would only be allowed to live in super rural parts of California or entirely leave the state, and would have to wear GPS tracking anklets for life. This law would not have prevented any repeat crimes or done much to make us safer.I want to kick rapists and pedophiles in the nuts as much as the next guy [girl], but this goes to far and isn't narrowly tailored enough to focus on the right people. And that GPS shit is going to be WAY expensive, taking funding away from things like schools, roads, and fire departments where its needed.

85: NO NO & more NO!! this is a republican tactic to put a conservature prop on the ballot so they'll get out there and vote & thus vote for republican party candidates. don't be fooled! parental relationships cannot be forced, and we need to protect young women, especially because they can't vote & truly decide for themselves.

86: of course, YES! no this $$$ is NOT going to BIG HOSPITAL--don't be fooled by the ads. hospitals are struggling to stay open (sj downtown regional med closed, now thousands of people in downtown are w/o a major hospital), plus big hospital does not = big tobacco. the $$$ is going towards tons of health education and treatment programs including cancer research, prevention programs, nursing, and much more.

87: YES! we need more accountability for the BIG OIL companies that are gouging away. they don't want competition because it creates accountability (most of the time :) PLUS---- 87 creates a tax on oil companies who extract oil in California. currently we're the only major oil-producing region without such a tax. what's up with that? the tax would generate $4 billion for alternative clean energy technologies that will fight climate crisis, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and create tens of thousands of new jobs. 87 also prevents oil companies from passing the tax on to consumers.
for more definitely check out the leagues guide, its really good at breaking down the issues.
and for goodness sakes, go out and vote tomorrow! i will be asking all ya'll if you did and the answer better be yes or expect a nasty look & lots of lecturing.


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